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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

2012 Christmas

I am typing this on my new Google Chromebook from Santa, and I really love the keyboard. As I type in the living room, Quinn, Nicholas and Mei are sprinting past me playing "Extreme Marco Polo," a game that I don't quite understand. They close their eyes as long as they can, until they are about to wipe out or crash into something. This is day 5 of an 11 day vacation, and even though there is a mountain of games and new gifts from Santa behind me, the kids would rather run around the house! And unfortunately, our ice rink so far this year has been a bust. Thank goodness Quinn's hockey tournament begins tomorrow.

We have been pretty much eating when we are awake for the last 48 hours. Christmas eve including two feasts: one at Chris' house and one at the Marinellis, which was a really nice surprise. Christmas morning began with a 7 a.m. wake up call from Quinn and an alarm that hadn't been set properly to get up before he did! Fortunately, everything was ready...Santa had a chance to sneak in and visit, and Quinn loved his personalized hockey bag, even though it wasn't wrapped. Matt got two coach's whistles to go with his fancy coaching certificate! After the mad tear-open, we went over to Sean the Elf's for the first time for the Heagney opening and brunch. Quinn was a whirling dervish of a Santa's helper, constantly spinning and dancing around and falling on the hardwood floor. The cousins are getting really creative with their wrapping and year, I know how to put those hockey tape roll remnants to good use! We had delicious eggs benedict, then were able to go home and rest up a little for Christmas dinner.

Apples to Apples was really fun. We have moved on to the adult version, and although Quinn doesn't get all the nuances, he had some really good luck with his cards (his French Maid card for "Down and Dirty" was hilarious and a winner!) All in all, it was a really nice and relaxing Christmas for us. We are so blessed to have a healthy family, and my prayers continue for the families in Newtown who lost their little angels this month.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Biking season is almost over

October 27, 2012

The photo above is from ride or walk to school day at Latimer Lane Elementary. Despite the rain, Quinn and I made it to his school, then I turned around and pedaled back breathlessly to get to Tariffville School. It was definitely worth the aggravation. I hope they do it again in the spring. Next time I will make sure to check my tires, they were pretty soft!

Quinn is moving right along in second grade. I can't believe we're already closing in on Halloween. Quinn will be an all-black phantom with glowing eyes. Not sure how the pictures will come out. There's a hurricane approaching ironically on the same date as Snowtober last year, but I think we will still be trick or treatingd two days later. Matt will be away, but I think we will be able to manage.

As a great soccer season for Quinn is winding down, (he had more goals and assists than anyone on his team by far) we are jumping back into Mite A hockey. Matt is a coach, (one of four or five, who can keep track!) but I was very happy to turn over the manager's position to another Mom. I'm remembering how much work it is. It should be a great year...just hope Quinn can live up to Dad's hockey expectations! And we already learned that we won't need to mortgage the house for goalie camp!

The Giants are in the World Series and are winning 2-0 as of now. Should be an exciting next few days...I guess the loss of sleep for all of us is worth it. No NHL, so we might as well enjoy baseball and football for as long as we can.

I wish I could remember some of the cute things Quinn is saying right now. I love the talk of second graders. One thing he told me yesterday is that he really likes to read a book at school and really gets in to it, but then at home...not so much. I guess that's understandable. I'm just glad he's getting to that "can't put a book down" stage. Right now he's reading the Ready Freddy series.

It's Friday at 3:11 pm: time to go say hi to Chris next door and meet the bus!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Saratoga Summer Vacation 2012

When Quinn's teacher asks for his essay on what he did during his summer vacation, she may be in for a surprise when he writes something like this:

We stayed at a mansion in Saratoga and I bet on the horses and won $110.00! I mostly bet Win and Place but sometimes I would bet an exacta. The Dads let me and my friends do flips on the air mattress in the movie room when the Moms went out to lunch, and I also played pool and keno in a couple of bars after dinner. One night, I played a game with Mei where I would lean over the balcony railing to try to reach for a balloon. I slept on an air mattress, but a couple of times I fell off and ended up under the dresser. I also got to stay up really late and get up really early to fish. I only hooked myself once. Dad lost his phone in the lake. I also got to ride on a tube behind my friend Drew's boat and my Dad drove the boat as fast as he could and tried to dump me in 180 feet of water in Lake George. We were pretty safe about some things. My Mom only really forgot to give me enough sunscreen one or two times, and I was wearing a life jacket when Drew's Dad's boat engine died and all the kids had to swim back to our dock. It was a really fun vacation! Oh yeah, I forgot about the coyotes and the giant water snake! And the time the toilets backed up. Good times!!

Seriously, the vacation was wonderful. No, 23 days was not too long. The part that makes it long is when you get home and have to catch up on real world stuff. We had really good weather, and everyone stayed very healthy, no injuries or sniffles to slow us down! We had a lot of fun visitors including: Steve Franklin, the Anastasios, the Trenholms, Alison and Deke, Henry, Grammy, Diane, the Hucker clan, Emmet, Rob, the Brookes and the Chandlers. I think everyone had a good time. Probably the biggest winner at the races this year was Matt, which was unusual for him. That made it fun for everyone because he is so generous with his friends! We went through a lot of wine during the trip, but that's not a big surprise. Lots of great meals with pretty views of the sunset from the porch. Dinners out included one night at Prime with Nealy and Rob's generous gift certificate (what a beautiful outdoor setting!) and one night at a restaurant downtown called 28 Tables. I think my favorite meal of the trip was the ladies' lunch at Maestro's on their big veranda. That was a lot of fun!

Let me count how many times Quinn and I played mini-golf. Once at Mill Creek, once at Saratoga (old course), three times at Saratoga (new course), two times at Exit 17 mini golf, once at Clifton Park mini golf on route 9 and once at Gooney golf. WOW...that's a lot of blue and pink balls!

A few of the things we did that made this year unique included: going to the Big Apple Circus in Lake George (the trapeze act was fantastic); going on the tube behind the Anastasio's boat; (I loved trying it, even though it was embarassing that I couldn't get on the darn thing!) having lunch in Bolton Landing; having lunch after docking the boat in Lake George; going up the stairs in the Schuyler monument; learning more about Benedict Arnold after visiting the Saratoga National Battlefield, and finally visiting the Schuyler Pond House furniture store (what a great place to shop!)

Some of the fun things we did right at the house included: playing Apples to Apples sometimes with kids and sometimes not; teaching Quinn to play rummy; having great pizza nights from Harvest and Hearth pizza; going kayaking several times; having the kids fish off the dock and off of Mike's and Ed's boats; taking Mike's boat out for a night ride; watching the Olympics, doing puzzles and simply enjoying the porch and watching the water. Quinn and the Anastasios boys played "balloon volleyball" for hours on end. It was very cute to see how well Buster and Sidney got along, even sharing toys and meals. One thing that was not so fun? Riding that silly exercise bike.

Next year I have to remind myself not to overpack....I think we had too many outdoor toys (ladderball was never played) and I had way too many dressy clothes. One dress up night at most!! As usual, the fridge clean out was a little bit of a nightmare, but it always is. Not that big of a deal. And Kathryn was a huge help with everything.

I think that's our trip in a nutshell. I do think Quinn grew about an inch, and he now is loaded with good 7-year old questions which I tried my best to answer. We had a lot of really good conversations in the car, and I was really happy with him on the day we came home...he didn't seem to have that post-vacation let down that he has had in the past (who hasn't?). Now we're into hockey camp and getting ready for school. See you next year, thoroughbreds!!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A Summer Day

Yesterday was Day 2 of Quinn's Bible Camp. I think he's enjoying it...especially the catchy music. It was unusually cool yesterday, so I took advantage of it to get some work done around the deck. It can be too hot to do anything out there when the sun is beating down.

Drew and Reid came over for a while after camp and the boys played their new favorite game: "Wall ball." Quinn tried to explain it to me once, but I'm not sure I quite get the rules yet. Tomorrow we are going to the Anastasios to a Magic Tree House party. I am bringing buffalo steak which should be interesting. We have also been playing some intense Monopoly games with Emmet...I'm really glad Quinn is enjoying a board game. I hope this trend continues! I would love to find some good games for two people that we can play together (backgammon, gin rummy, cribbage, etc.) I remember playing Oh Hell for hours on end at summer camp when I was a kid!

I bought Quinn some summer pjs yesterday, because it could be his last pair of "kid pjs" and I think they are so cute. He put them on at 6:30 after his cold swim and hot bath. Then proceeded to dirty them up by doing flips on the trampoline. He figured out how to does his first complete flip with no hands! I just hope he doesn't go flying out of the hole in the side of the trampoline.

We now have sprinklers and the pool and yard are looking great! It's really fun to putter around the yard. I hope we get some good vegetables this year...that's always fun to watch. It's also been a really good year for the blackberries. I'm surprised the birds don't beat us to them. We also have a hummingbird visiting the pool area on occasion.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

It's Tuesday May 8 and hockey is over!

Quinn's spring hockey ended on Saturday with a loss to Avon. Most of the team showed up, which was a big change from the week before when there were only five boys on the ice. That game was amazing. Simsbury won, thanks to a little help from Alex Pearlman and I was so proud of all five (six with C.J.!) of them. They skated their little hearts out, and the only rest any of them got was for whistles on the ice, and for Matt when he had two trips to the penalty box. It was a really fun game to watch. Now we're down to lacrosse and baseball, and if the weather cooperates, I love being a spectator for both sports. Quinn is doing fine with baseball, except for the fact that he tries to play every position. I don't think the other players -- his team and the opponent -- are quite ready for him. But he still has work to do on his hitting.

Sometimes I can't believe how he's growing...for example, we just shopped for size 3 sneakers! But other times, he still seems small...for example, when we brought home a new bike that is simply too big for him.

Last weekend I gave him a list of chores and it worked out quite well. I think the whole incentive/reward system works very well for him. We will be implementing that strategy a lot this summer.

The Whale is still going in the playoffs and we're hoping they make it through the second round and get into the semifinals. Quinn keeps up either with the computer or by listening to the radio. I now remember why we never get to too many Rock Cats games...the spring is just too darn busy. Then, by the time summer rolls around, the interest has waned and the games get very crowded. The day games can also be so hot!! Hopefully we'll get to a couple of night games, perhaps in June. Or maybe we'll get to a game in Glens Falls during vacation this summer

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

California "Best of" Lists

Matt's List:

1. Playing golf at Rancho Canada and enjoying the canyon views (this wouldn't make my list because it was freezing!)
2. Enjoying the fact that his brother Rob had a good round of golf at Pebble Beach.3. Going to the Giants game against the Phillies with Quinn and watching them win 1-0 in 11 innings!

Quinn's List:

1. Watching the Giants win in extra innings!
2. Visiting with Aunt Cake and seeing her house again. (I think he also enjoyed the sleepover---I know I did!)
3. Riding the cable cars in San Francisco.

Marty's List:

1. Being able to enjoy four rounds of golf with Quinn without too much stress.
2. Riding bikes with Quinn all the way to the bottom of the Golden Gate bridge.
3. Having a nice dinner at Aunt Cake's house with our surprise guests Trevor, Kate and Sean. Seeing Grammy happy and having fun telling old stories was a big part of this making my top three!

Ok, since I'm the writer, I get to do a top ten or maybe eleven list!

4. Since I love to eat, I will put the Fandango dinner at #4.
5. Dinner at Alioto's.
6. Dinner at Izzy's
7. Dinner at Nico in Carmel!

Ok, ok enough food.

I also enjoyed

8. Walking with Patty 3 mornings.
9. Riding the cable car...and the pedi-cab...and the street car!
10. Seeing the Giants win in extra innings!
11. Although the visits were too short, I loved the aquarium and the zoo! And as Steve noted, seeing the variety of plants was almost more interesting than seeing the animals.

Things I missed, either didn't do, forgot to do, or didn't have time to do!

--I meant to take a picture of our great room at Los Lobos in Carmel. Also, I didn't get too many pictures of our whole group.

--It would have been nice to have had a little more time for shopping in Carmel.

--Steve, Patty and Rob visited Muir woods. I would have really enjoyed that!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Opening day

Quinn had a great week ending with going to the Rock Cats opening game. They won 3-2 and the temperature was 41°. Matt was away, and I worked out a point system for Q that worked out really well. We'll see if I can use it again, but the idea was that Q had to earn 10 points by having good behavior to be ablento go to the game. I think that for him, having a concrete goal with a number attached worked a million times better than saying "you have to be good".

We really had fun today...we were both laughing when I called the mascots "stuffed animals". Then a baby's pants fell down which, of course, Quinn thought was hysterical. I guess Q told Mrs. Lindquist that he could go if he was good, and she said "when are you ever not good?"

Right now we're atayingnup past both our bedtimes watching BC in the Frozen Four.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

March Madness

Quinn got a fish on Sunday. We went to Petco and learned about goldfish and how needy they are. Then we learned about Betta fish and got a fish tank kit for our new little swimmer. His name is either "Fishy" or "Sedin". He's dark red, and doesn't swim around a whole lot, but I think he will get to know Quinn when he feeds him a few times.

We had some great weather the past couple of days, and today we played soccer on the deck, then I threw the football to Quinn and Mei on the trampoline. It still works pretty well, even with the big hole from the storm in October.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Aruba, February 24

Today is our last day on Aruba. I am waiting for Quinn and Matt to wake up to go to breakfast. The weather has been is just a little bit cooler and cloudier which is great because Quinn has had his limit of sun. The wonderful breezes (winds) do keep you comfortable. Last night we watched a band at our resort called Joy Ride. They played a nice mix of classics and new pop that Q loves. He finally made a friend to play with yesterday...Sanzio from NY...who is also a hockey player. Q did great talking to some adults last night about hockey.

I am currently watching the Zamboni beach sweeper go back and forth. Our beach is so perfect! Plenty of space and beautiful white sand. I think even our non-beach Dad is impressed.

Other highlights of the week include eating at Yemanga in Orangested...visiting de Palm island...going snorkeling there and off the catamaran. It was neat to be able to snorkel with Quinn. We saw some beautiful large green parrotfish, and I saw a pretty large starfish. I'm curious to see if the underwater camera worked. (Update, disposable underwater cameras are lousy!)

Yesterday Dad and Quinn did two fun activities...jet skiing and water sliding at the other Divi resort.

I think my favorite meal was at the Red Parrot...a delicious seafood pasta. The steaks are great here  as well. And I think I could talk Matt into buying one of those "grill-your-own" tables for our deck.

I saw some beautiful birds, but not as many as I had hoped for. We had a pelican mascot on our catamaran trip. Also, on that ride, Quinn got to sit up with the captain. I think I got a good picture.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

First Snow

One year ago today, we were on the Epic cruise ship. Today we had our first winter snow, and I crunched my car with a sliding skid. Quinn played at the Xl center today with his team. The game was great, although Q didn't p,ay well. I think he was starstruck.

We finally had a good week for the ice rink, and Add,Elisa, James,Quin, Nick, Mei, and me al had fun skating. Mei is doing amazingly well with her skating...she is so coordinated, and so tenacious. She would be a great hockey player.

Our new pellet stove is making January much more's easy to go out to shovel pr walk Buster when you know that cosy fire is waiting. Buster loves the snow...I've been letting him loose fornhis figure 8 laps in the front yard.

Monday, January 2, 2012

happy new year!

2012 got off to a fun start thanks to Quinn's invitation to play on the ice at Fenway with his Mite A team. The weather was perfect, and we enjoyed staying over in Boston with a few hockey families. Dinner for all15 of us was at Fire and, but Matt and I both had expected something a little better. And the night before on New Year's eve, we had dinner with the Anastasios after an exciting Ct Whale game. We got some interesting looks as we walked into Max Downtown with the three boys and their foam fingers and Whale shirts. Once we were seated everything was fine, and there was even a kid's menu.