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Friday, October 26, 2012

Biking season is almost over

October 27, 2012

The photo above is from ride or walk to school day at Latimer Lane Elementary. Despite the rain, Quinn and I made it to his school, then I turned around and pedaled back breathlessly to get to Tariffville School. It was definitely worth the aggravation. I hope they do it again in the spring. Next time I will make sure to check my tires, they were pretty soft!

Quinn is moving right along in second grade. I can't believe we're already closing in on Halloween. Quinn will be an all-black phantom with glowing eyes. Not sure how the pictures will come out. There's a hurricane approaching ironically on the same date as Snowtober last year, but I think we will still be trick or treatingd two days later. Matt will be away, but I think we will be able to manage.

As a great soccer season for Quinn is winding down, (he had more goals and assists than anyone on his team by far) we are jumping back into Mite A hockey. Matt is a coach, (one of four or five, who can keep track!) but I was very happy to turn over the manager's position to another Mom. I'm remembering how much work it is. It should be a great year...just hope Quinn can live up to Dad's hockey expectations! And we already learned that we won't need to mortgage the house for goalie camp!

The Giants are in the World Series and are winning 2-0 as of now. Should be an exciting next few days...I guess the loss of sleep for all of us is worth it. No NHL, so we might as well enjoy baseball and football for as long as we can.

I wish I could remember some of the cute things Quinn is saying right now. I love the talk of second graders. One thing he told me yesterday is that he really likes to read a book at school and really gets in to it, but then at home...not so much. I guess that's understandable. I'm just glad he's getting to that "can't put a book down" stage. Right now he's reading the Ready Freddy series.

It's Friday at 3:11 pm: time to go say hi to Chris next door and meet the bus!

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