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Saturday, January 21, 2012

First Snow

One year ago today, we were on the Epic cruise ship. Today we had our first winter snow, and I crunched my car with a sliding skid. Quinn played at the Xl center today with his team. The game was great, although Q didn't p,ay well. I think he was starstruck.

We finally had a good week for the ice rink, and Add,Elisa, James,Quin, Nick, Mei, and me al had fun skating. Mei is doing amazingly well with her skating...she is so coordinated, and so tenacious. She would be a great hockey player.

Our new pellet stove is making January much more's easy to go out to shovel pr walk Buster when you know that cosy fire is waiting. Buster loves the snow...I've been letting him loose fornhis figure 8 laps in the front yard.

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