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Thursday, December 29, 2005

Quinn made it through his second Christmas! (But it felt like his first). HIghlights include: walking down the church row in the parish center to see Grammy; entertaining Laurie Cases' parents; and being the center of attention on Christmas morning. The big Quinn present was a  BMW model car. Here are a few of Quinn's latest achievements and developments:
* At bath time, he "barks" Ar Ar Ar because I always show him the doggie on the shower curtain and make a barking sound.
* He got seven wooden stacking blocks on a stick and he can slide them on and off.
* He can now stack up to four plastic blocks.
* His car seat now faces forward!
* He "helps" me unload the dishwasher by handing me the utensils
* He has at least two more teeth (lower right)
* He will watch TV and sit still for ten minutes or so
* He will sit still while I read him a short book.
* He now pretty much stays still when I'm actually changing his diaper. (not so much for dressing).
* He is constantly trying to reach new shelves and tabletops (especially in the kitchen). We may have to barricade the pantry.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Well, the new car is great (Pacifica) -- it feels very safe and solid. It seems to take a while for the heat to come on...but that may have to do with the fact that it's been RECORD COLD at night! Quinn seems to like the car despite the fact that we ditched his two favorite kiddy music CDs when we made the switch.

Quinn is now walking freely all around the house. On Monday (for my birthday?), he all of a sudden seemed to "find his balance" and sort of stands up straighter with his hands he can walk much more balanced, although we have still had many slips and mishaps. He is so proud of himself!

He has also been climbing in and out of the toy car that Dale brought over. He doesn't seem to care that it doesn't really move...he just likes being i it. He is still having fun with his blocks and occasionally some of his books, but the big thing now is walking, walking, walking!! Too bad it's too cold to practice outside at the playground!

Our tree is all decorated and I think it looks especially pretty this year with some new garland. Quinn has only grabbed a couple of bottom ornaments that are meant for him anyhow. He got to sit on Santa's lap at the McLean party for the residents and staff. He cried (who wouldn't for the first time being plopped into the arms of a strange bearded man?) But he loved the sweet Adelines and their a capella music (so did I!) He was an angel for the whole concert. That will be his only Santa visit for this year! Tomorrow night Aunt Dale is coming over to babysit so I can go to Matts Christmas party at Spris. Should be fun...not as cramped as last year's Buono Apetit adventure!

I am busy trying to ...finish our Christmas cards (Dear Santa letter), make some greens arrangements, and finish Mindy's painting. Plus it would be fun to make cookies (and finish shopping early!)

One sad note: Mr. Mathewson died this past week. He was such a nice and funny man. We stopped by and saw all the brothers and Mrs. M. I think she was happy we brought Quinn by. I hope she's doing alright...I can't imagine being a widow and alone, especially when much of her time was spent taking care of Mr. M. I hope she can move out of her house without too much difficulty.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Well, a year ago today I was waiting to have Quinn! I have no idea what I did...probably went to church (it was a Sunday). Now we have this 11 month old fireball can a little person become such a personality in just a year? It's truly amazing! He laughs all the time; but he also cries pretty easily when he's frustrated. Today we went to the playground because it was beautiful out for November. I glto brave enough to push Quinn down a couple o fthe smaller slides. He loved it! But he got frustrated when he tried to crawl back "up" the slide.

Quinn now likes to walk and run with us holding his hand. And he took two steps Sat. night to get from the coffee table to the chair. Today at the playground he also turned around and backed down many different stairs. I give Grammy credit for teaching him "turn around, feet first". Aunt Dale is taking credit for his dancing when music comes on. He sits with his feet out to either side, and then bounces up and down. And does he love to fool around up on the couch! He has shown us his goofiest moments while standing and pounding on the leather couch in the family room.

Aunt Dale and Uncle Lee brought over a giant plastic car and Quinn seemed to like driving it1 Too bad the frot alignment is a little messed up.

Quinn's party is coming up this sunday sandwiches between church and hockey. I hope he has a great time! I have to admit, I can't wai tto see his presents. I've been putting off buying anything for him until we see what he gets.

Hockey has been great for Mommy and the boys have managed without me. Poor Matt had a rough time though, last week with the throwing up and then a power outage! Thank God it was Grammy to the rescue. Speaking of Grammy, Quinn's stocking is looking great! All of the kids will want their own Whaler's stockings...we should go into business!

Friday, May 20, 2005

From May 2005

Quinn is almost six months! He now rolls over, eats mush (carrots, squash and rice)...sits in a high chair...blows lots of bubbles...laughs in the bath...reaches for everything -- especially the remote...and grabs his feet. He still likes his pacifier and sleeps through the night (usually). He is not scooting on his back as much as last month. He eats five times a day.

Things Mommy loves about Quinn:

1.    How he tilts his head back and forth and laughs when he is getting changed.
2.    How he loves to watch Kirby.
3.    How he loves new faces and nearly always smiles at friendly strangers.
4.    How he laughs when I bounce him on my knee.
5.    How he uses his beautiful hands and fingers.
6.    How peaceful he looks when he is sleeping.
7.    How he stops crying when I sing ABC or blow in his face.
8.    How he balances in a "bridge" pose on his back on his head and feet.
9.    How he loves to play with Daddy!
10.  How he puts one finger in his mouth to look really cute!

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Carmel 4/11-4/12/2005

Monday 4/11

Matt and I drove around in the a.. to look at golf courses. We drove to Carmel Village which was very looks like there's lots of nice wineries. We finally found the new Clint Eastwood is more secure than Fort Knox! There are no road signs and you can't even get a glimpse of the course. So much for that idea. We had lunch in Carmel outdoors, then made a reservation at Il Forniao for Sunday. Later on Mom went to Curves, Matt to the driving range, and I shopped (was Quinn with me?) I bought a Time magazine about the death of Pope John Paul. Mom and Quinn and I got an ice cream and we had a chance to show Quinn off to some shopgirls. Aunt Cake came for dinner with her calendar and we planned out the rest of vacation for dinners, etc. Matt grilled delicious steak for dinner; then we went for a walk with Matt's glass of wine! Grammy sure is getting a lot of quality time with Quinn...I feel guilty!

Tuesday 4/12

I had a nice run along the ocean, then I walked to town and picked up muffins. Quinn has been getting up once in the night for a feeding...then he goes right back to sleep. He is really starting to grab my hair and Dad's glasses! We went to Target for an exersaucer, then Mom and I dropped off Matt to play golf at Poppy Hills. Mom, Quinn and I went to the Pebble Beach shops, then into town for a bit. I got lost going to Pebble Beach, so we got our money's worth on the drive. We picked up Matt around 5 and he had partnered up with a man from Queensbury NY. Tonight we had dinner at the school with the nuns. Lots of great crab, salad and bread. Quinn was the star of the night. Sister Carlotta loved holding him -- she had a huge smile on her face! We got to meet Perkin who is an adorable border terrier. He was extremely friendly!

Saturday, April 9, 2005

Quinn's first trip to California, part 1

Saturday, April 9, 2005

We flew United (first class!) through Chicago and SF to Monterey. Quinn was great! I carried him in the Baby Bjorn in Bradley, then we used the stroller on the layovers. Besides Matt leaving his I-pod and headphones on the plane, the flight went very smoothly. We got to the house and Matt grilled chicken while we visited with Aunt Cake. Mom came back from her school reunion in San Francisco (900 people!) with her friends and their dog. "Tai Chi" did not like Quinn! Perhaps because Quinn was all over the rug showing off his "scooting" skills to Aunt Cake.

Sunday, April 10

Matt decided that Quinn needed to go to his first Giants game! After much convincing, we got Grammy to go with us. Our rental car is a Chevy Uplander -- a minivan/SUV hybrid with the world's largest gas tank. We stopped and called Mrs. Garvey, Matt's grandmother, but she was out. On to the game....Matt negotiated great seats down the third base line. Quinn was heavily sunblocked and covered up. After deciding that he was too hot, Matt purchased him a Giants onesie and changed him in a first aid room! At the game, fans booed the singer at the seventh inning stretch (why? I can't remember). The Giants won 10-4, Jason Schmidt had two hits in one inning. We called Mrs. Garvey from the stadium and she was home, so we were able to stop by for a visit! She was very happy to meet and hold Quinn and Mom was very glad to see her.