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Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Carmel 4/11-4/12/2005

Monday 4/11

Matt and I drove around in the a.. to look at golf courses. We drove to Carmel Village which was very looks like there's lots of nice wineries. We finally found the new Clint Eastwood is more secure than Fort Knox! There are no road signs and you can't even get a glimpse of the course. So much for that idea. We had lunch in Carmel outdoors, then made a reservation at Il Forniao for Sunday. Later on Mom went to Curves, Matt to the driving range, and I shopped (was Quinn with me?) I bought a Time magazine about the death of Pope John Paul. Mom and Quinn and I got an ice cream and we had a chance to show Quinn off to some shopgirls. Aunt Cake came for dinner with her calendar and we planned out the rest of vacation for dinners, etc. Matt grilled delicious steak for dinner; then we went for a walk with Matt's glass of wine! Grammy sure is getting a lot of quality time with Quinn...I feel guilty!

Tuesday 4/12

I had a nice run along the ocean, then I walked to town and picked up muffins. Quinn has been getting up once in the night for a feeding...then he goes right back to sleep. He is really starting to grab my hair and Dad's glasses! We went to Target for an exersaucer, then Mom and I dropped off Matt to play golf at Poppy Hills. Mom, Quinn and I went to the Pebble Beach shops, then into town for a bit. I got lost going to Pebble Beach, so we got our money's worth on the drive. We picked up Matt around 5 and he had partnered up with a man from Queensbury NY. Tonight we had dinner at the school with the nuns. Lots of great crab, salad and bread. Quinn was the star of the night. Sister Carlotta loved holding him -- she had a huge smile on her face! We got to meet Perkin who is an adorable border terrier. He was extremely friendly!

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