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Thursday, December 29, 2005

Quinn made it through his second Christmas! (But it felt like his first). HIghlights include: walking down the church row in the parish center to see Grammy; entertaining Laurie Cases' parents; and being the center of attention on Christmas morning. The big Quinn present was a  BMW model car. Here are a few of Quinn's latest achievements and developments:
* At bath time, he "barks" Ar Ar Ar because I always show him the doggie on the shower curtain and make a barking sound.
* He got seven wooden stacking blocks on a stick and he can slide them on and off.
* He can now stack up to four plastic blocks.
* His car seat now faces forward!
* He "helps" me unload the dishwasher by handing me the utensils
* He has at least two more teeth (lower right)
* He will watch TV and sit still for ten minutes or so
* He will sit still while I read him a short book.
* He now pretty much stays still when I'm actually changing his diaper. (not so much for dressing).
* He is constantly trying to reach new shelves and tabletops (especially in the kitchen). We may have to barricade the pantry.

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