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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

California "Best of" Lists

Matt's List:

1. Playing golf at Rancho Canada and enjoying the canyon views (this wouldn't make my list because it was freezing!)
2. Enjoying the fact that his brother Rob had a good round of golf at Pebble Beach.3. Going to the Giants game against the Phillies with Quinn and watching them win 1-0 in 11 innings!

Quinn's List:

1. Watching the Giants win in extra innings!
2. Visiting with Aunt Cake and seeing her house again. (I think he also enjoyed the sleepover---I know I did!)
3. Riding the cable cars in San Francisco.

Marty's List:

1. Being able to enjoy four rounds of golf with Quinn without too much stress.
2. Riding bikes with Quinn all the way to the bottom of the Golden Gate bridge.
3. Having a nice dinner at Aunt Cake's house with our surprise guests Trevor, Kate and Sean. Seeing Grammy happy and having fun telling old stories was a big part of this making my top three!

Ok, since I'm the writer, I get to do a top ten or maybe eleven list!

4. Since I love to eat, I will put the Fandango dinner at #4.
5. Dinner at Alioto's.
6. Dinner at Izzy's
7. Dinner at Nico in Carmel!

Ok, ok enough food.

I also enjoyed

8. Walking with Patty 3 mornings.
9. Riding the cable car...and the pedi-cab...and the street car!
10. Seeing the Giants win in extra innings!
11. Although the visits were too short, I loved the aquarium and the zoo! And as Steve noted, seeing the variety of plants was almost more interesting than seeing the animals.

Things I missed, either didn't do, forgot to do, or didn't have time to do!

--I meant to take a picture of our great room at Los Lobos in Carmel. Also, I didn't get too many pictures of our whole group.

--It would have been nice to have had a little more time for shopping in Carmel.

--Steve, Patty and Rob visited Muir woods. I would have really enjoyed that!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Opening day

Quinn had a great week ending with going to the Rock Cats opening game. They won 3-2 and the temperature was 41°. Matt was away, and I worked out a point system for Q that worked out really well. We'll see if I can use it again, but the idea was that Q had to earn 10 points by having good behavior to be ablento go to the game. I think that for him, having a concrete goal with a number attached worked a million times better than saying "you have to be good".

We really had fun today...we were both laughing when I called the mascots "stuffed animals". Then a baby's pants fell down which, of course, Quinn thought was hysterical. I guess Q told Mrs. Lindquist that he could go if he was good, and she said "when are you ever not good?"

Right now we're atayingnup past both our bedtimes watching BC in the Frozen Four.