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Thursday, March 24, 2011

No Buster!

Actually, Buster has been a pretty good puppy. We've had a few accidents here and there but I think between crating him at night and taking him out literally every hour or two...he's getting the hang of it! Of course, he hated being out in the rain. And he's quite the little biter. Depending on his mood, it can be little nibbles if he's just being quietly playful, but if he's all revved up--especially with the kids--his little razor teeth can pack a good little whallop. So far, no crying children so that's a big plus.

Here are some differences between Kirby and Buster.

Kirby never really minded loud banging noises or thunder...I think Buster is going to be afraid of them.

Kirby was never a fan of climbing under furniture...he never had that cozy, enclosure feeling that dogs are supposed to have! Buster will go under our bed on one side and come out on the other. Maybe he's making new friends with the dust bunnies.

So far, Buster has no romantic interest in pillows...I have my fingers crossed he'll stay that way. I think Kirby was a freak of nature.

Buster likes to play "fetch" a little bit, but I think Kirby might have been the best canine shortstop or goalie that ever lived.

Meanwhile, on the two-legged front, Quinn is doing great and is gearing up for his 3-sport spring. Once the temperature gets out of the 30s, we'll be ready to go!

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