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Friday, February 11, 2011

Friday, February 11 4:45 pm

We are supposed to have a big thaw next week with the temp getting up to 50 degrees! I really need to take a picture of our deck while the snow is at its highest (I hope!) Quinn lost his 2nd tooth today. As he described it, he yanked it and yanked it and YANKED it until it came out. Then he got to go to the school nurse and she gave him a special tooth box. Hope we all remember tonight at bedtime and later to get ready for the tooth fairy. Quinn thinks that he gets more money for yanking it out himself....not sure how he came up with that one!
I subbed 2 days at Tariffville this week and loved it. It's getting to be that time when everybody is speculating about next year and what will happen with the librarian situation. I hope they're considering me in that mix!
Quinn has a hockey jamboree tomorrow with Avon and he is so excited! He and Drew really want to win their games. I found out that Drew, Nathan and James are all signed up for lacrosse. Drew is actually signed up for lacrosse and T-ball, so we'll probably do the same thing. Lacrosse is either going to be extremely muddy, or it won't start until Memorial Day with all this snow. I can't wait to see when we actually get in the pool. Last year, Matt and Quinn were in by May 15th. My bunco friends want me to host a pool bunco party with floating dice for the water. That could be fun!
Monday is Valentine's Day, so Quinn has started writing out his valentines. It is like pulling teeth, although from what I wrote before, that's not a good analogy because he enjoys pulling teeth! So writing out valentines is much worse. I think our jigsaw puzzle phase might be was fun while it lasted. We have been back working on mazes a little bit. Right now for books, we are reading Arnold Lobel books in addition to rereading a "Diary of a Wimpy Kid". Quinn loved "Big Nate," so we need to look for another of those. We also read an entire "Wallace and Gromit" graphic novel which was pretty involved. I would like to try Tin-tin sometime. Mixed in with those books we are rereading the Mercy Watson series, and reading whatever Quinn brings home from the school library. I am trying to get through the 2012 Nutmeg nominees. So far, my favorite book is "Masterpiece".

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