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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

2012 Christmas

I am typing this on my new Google Chromebook from Santa, and I really love the keyboard. As I type in the living room, Quinn, Nicholas and Mei are sprinting past me playing "Extreme Marco Polo," a game that I don't quite understand. They close their eyes as long as they can, until they are about to wipe out or crash into something. This is day 5 of an 11 day vacation, and even though there is a mountain of games and new gifts from Santa behind me, the kids would rather run around the house! And unfortunately, our ice rink so far this year has been a bust. Thank goodness Quinn's hockey tournament begins tomorrow.

We have been pretty much eating when we are awake for the last 48 hours. Christmas eve including two feasts: one at Chris' house and one at the Marinellis, which was a really nice surprise. Christmas morning began with a 7 a.m. wake up call from Quinn and an alarm that hadn't been set properly to get up before he did! Fortunately, everything was ready...Santa had a chance to sneak in and visit, and Quinn loved his personalized hockey bag, even though it wasn't wrapped. Matt got two coach's whistles to go with his fancy coaching certificate! After the mad tear-open, we went over to Sean the Elf's for the first time for the Heagney opening and brunch. Quinn was a whirling dervish of a Santa's helper, constantly spinning and dancing around and falling on the hardwood floor. The cousins are getting really creative with their wrapping and year, I know how to put those hockey tape roll remnants to good use! We had delicious eggs benedict, then were able to go home and rest up a little for Christmas dinner.

Apples to Apples was really fun. We have moved on to the adult version, and although Quinn doesn't get all the nuances, he had some really good luck with his cards (his French Maid card for "Down and Dirty" was hilarious and a winner!) All in all, it was a really nice and relaxing Christmas for us. We are so blessed to have a healthy family, and my prayers continue for the families in Newtown who lost their little angels this month.