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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A Summer Day

Yesterday was Day 2 of Quinn's Bible Camp. I think he's enjoying it...especially the catchy music. It was unusually cool yesterday, so I took advantage of it to get some work done around the deck. It can be too hot to do anything out there when the sun is beating down.

Drew and Reid came over for a while after camp and the boys played their new favorite game: "Wall ball." Quinn tried to explain it to me once, but I'm not sure I quite get the rules yet. Tomorrow we are going to the Anastasios to a Magic Tree House party. I am bringing buffalo steak which should be interesting. We have also been playing some intense Monopoly games with Emmet...I'm really glad Quinn is enjoying a board game. I hope this trend continues! I would love to find some good games for two people that we can play together (backgammon, gin rummy, cribbage, etc.) I remember playing Oh Hell for hours on end at summer camp when I was a kid!

I bought Quinn some summer pjs yesterday, because it could be his last pair of "kid pjs" and I think they are so cute. He put them on at 6:30 after his cold swim and hot bath. Then proceeded to dirty them up by doing flips on the trampoline. He figured out how to does his first complete flip with no hands! I just hope he doesn't go flying out of the hole in the side of the trampoline.

We now have sprinklers and the pool and yard are looking great! It's really fun to putter around the yard. I hope we get some good vegetables this year...that's always fun to watch. It's also been a really good year for the blackberries. I'm surprised the birds don't beat us to them. We also have a hummingbird visiting the pool area on occasion.