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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

It's Tuesday May 8 and hockey is over!

Quinn's spring hockey ended on Saturday with a loss to Avon. Most of the team showed up, which was a big change from the week before when there were only five boys on the ice. That game was amazing. Simsbury won, thanks to a little help from Alex Pearlman and I was so proud of all five (six with C.J.!) of them. They skated their little hearts out, and the only rest any of them got was for whistles on the ice, and for Matt when he had two trips to the penalty box. It was a really fun game to watch. Now we're down to lacrosse and baseball, and if the weather cooperates, I love being a spectator for both sports. Quinn is doing fine with baseball, except for the fact that he tries to play every position. I don't think the other players -- his team and the opponent -- are quite ready for him. But he still has work to do on his hitting.

Sometimes I can't believe how he's growing...for example, we just shopped for size 3 sneakers! But other times, he still seems small...for example, when we brought home a new bike that is simply too big for him.

Last weekend I gave him a list of chores and it worked out quite well. I think the whole incentive/reward system works very well for him. We will be implementing that strategy a lot this summer.

The Whale is still going in the playoffs and we're hoping they make it through the second round and get into the semifinals. Quinn keeps up either with the computer or by listening to the radio. I now remember why we never get to too many Rock Cats games...the spring is just too darn busy. Then, by the time summer rolls around, the interest has waned and the games get very crowded. The day games can also be so hot!! Hopefully we'll get to a couple of night games, perhaps in June. Or maybe we'll get to a game in Glens Falls during vacation this summer