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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Fall is here

Today was day three of hockey tryouts for the Mites Travel team. Quinn is one of 24 kids trying out, with 16 spots available. He skated great and Matt and I think he has a good chance of making the team. We will know in the next day or two! His friend Matthew also did very well...we just don't know the "politics" of the try-outs and whether they favor 8-year olds over 7s. It'll also be interesting to see how many girls make the team.

Meanwhile, soccer has been a very fun experience for both me and Quinn. About 10 days ago, Quinn lost a tooth when he collided with Nicholas' head. Nicholas was fine, but Quinn spat up some spit and blood and cried for a bit. Now he has a gaping front tooth hole that he tries to stick his tongue through. No sign of a big tooth coming in behind. At least he won't have to wiggle it for months getting it to come out! It'll be kind of fun to get his school picture, then look back and think about why his tooth was gone.

The other night, Quinn seemed very tired and on our way to bed, he looked at the pictures I have of his grandpa. Next thing you know, he was face-down on the bed crying that he never got to know his grandpa. He was inconsolable! Bawled for a good half-hour and finally cried himself to sleep after Buster comforted him for a bit and I found duck-baby (glad I still have that old thing!) I would like to believe that he is really sad about not knowing his grandpa(s) because he would have liked to have met them, not that he is sad because his other friends have grandpas. I am going to go with the first option.

Quinn's shyness with adults seems to be disappearing. At the Harvest Fair, he shouted out to the art teacher "Hey Mrs. O!" and when he got to demonstrate this week in soccer, he made sure to shout out "Bye, Coach" to the big guy in charge. Very cute!