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Thursday, September 29, 2011

First Grade

I love conversations in the car! Quinn and I have the best talks...usually about school. He's the typical kid who won't answer at all to "How was your day?" at 3:15 off the bus, but boy, will he open up when he doesn't realize he's doing it! I have finally figured out the names of all of his classmates in Mrs. Lindquist's class. There are 8 boys and 10 girls. And I have met many of them at soccer. I crack up every time the kids get in the big circle for their soccer instruction and they all scream at each other to say hello. I don't know it strikes me so funny...I think because it's so stupid! Back to school, I heard from a reliable source, James' mom, that the girls have instigated a daily game of chasing the boys around at recess.

Quinn and I had the day off from school today, and we had a relaxing morning with plenty of time to play with yo-yos (we were trying to master "Around the Town"). We also went and bought a couple more Bey Blade tops and I actually convinced Q to come with me for a quick stop of dress shopping (this would be for Joey Trenholm's wedding). I found six dresses to try on in about 3 minutes and bought 3 of them. Later, Nicholas came over to play and they had a good time. Oh, and we saw four deer (three on our street) and I had my closest viewing of a black bear near Nicholas' house. I wonder if the animals are foraging knowing the muggy weather is about to finally break.

Quinn still calls out of bounds "out of balance", but I noticed in soccer that other boys say it too! He also wants to know why the mountain "follows us" in the car. Finally, he is very interested in where girls pee. I pointed very quickly to the general area. I'm sure the girls in his class will let him know as well.

Boston lost their wild card chance in the last regular season game yesterday...and for what it's worth, there is no Giants torture this year! I'm going to miss dressing up as "the franchise."