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Saturday, June 11, 2011

End of School

Quinn is almost done with kindergarten...hard to believe! And I am almost finished with my long-term sub position. There sure is a lot of celebrating for teachers and students at the end of the year--it's kind of like the Christmas holiday season. Lots of food, too. We are going to have a kindergarten pool party; a T-ball pool party and a Children's center pool party. I think I need to hire a lifeguard!

Today is kind of cold and dreary and I asked Quinn if he wanted to go to the movies. He said "Mom, you know I'm not really a movie person!" True. So we're waiting for Matt to get home from his trip to Chicago and maybe we can come up with something fun to do. This morning we went out and bought BeyBlades (how long will this toy phase last?)...One set for Quinn and one for Kieran's birthday. At least we didn't break them yet, and they don't need batteries.

Summer vacation plans are still a little sketchy. We will probably do Smuggs for one week, but we are way behind on planning and choosing a condo. Then I'm voting for a few nights by the CT shore, so we can visit the Brookes on their vacation.

The pool is looking really good, mostly thanks to Emmet for working for us 2 days a week this summer. I should have decent gardens this year with his help. We are still waiting for the basketball court to be done...I hope it will happen soon so Quinn can use it this summer.