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Friday, May 20, 2005

From May 2005

Quinn is almost six months! He now rolls over, eats mush (carrots, squash and rice)...sits in a high chair...blows lots of bubbles...laughs in the bath...reaches for everything -- especially the remote...and grabs his feet. He still likes his pacifier and sleeps through the night (usually). He is not scooting on his back as much as last month. He eats five times a day.

Things Mommy loves about Quinn:

1.    How he tilts his head back and forth and laughs when he is getting changed.
2.    How he loves to watch Kirby.
3.    How he loves new faces and nearly always smiles at friendly strangers.
4.    How he laughs when I bounce him on my knee.
5.    How he uses his beautiful hands and fingers.
6.    How peaceful he looks when he is sleeping.
7.    How he stops crying when I sing ABC or blow in his face.
8.    How he balances in a "bridge" pose on his back on his head and feet.
9.    How he loves to play with Daddy!
10.  How he puts one finger in his mouth to look really cute!